Serving the Black Community @ Harvard with…
Summer Opportunities Fair
The Summer Opportunities Fair is an opportunity for students to learn about various summer programs and internships. Along with hearing from representatives from several summer programs, all students receive an informational packet filled with both local and international opportunities for laboratory research, industry internships, and volunteers programs.
PSET Nights
HSBSE hosts biweekly p-set nights to bring our members together to work on problem sets over snacks or a small meal. They serve as a great way for our members to get to know one another and help each other out academically.
Recruiting Events
HSBSE brings in recruiters from our sponsors and other companies to give information about their organizations and potential opportunities for our members. These events occur primarily in the fall.
Post-graduate Panels
Every year, HSBSE hosts two panels concerning opportunities to further pursue studies after graduation: medical school and graduate school. For our medical school panel, aka our Premed to Med Panel, we bring in a number of current medical students, MDs and MD/PhDs, and medical school admissions officers to get their insight on the application process and life during and after medical school. Our graduate school panel is designed to give a similar perspective on these aspects of graduate school.
Speaker Events
HSBSE hosts speaker events and panel discussions concerning issues related to the intersection of race and science, career paths in STEM, pre-professional advising, and more.
Medical School Trips
We regularly work with the Student National Medical Association (SNMA) chapter at HMS and other Boston-area schools to coordinate half-day trips, tours, and information sessions at the school.
Mentorship Program
HSBSE facilitates a year-long program mentorship program for our members. As part of this program, our underclassmen are paired with upperclassmen who share their academic and career interests, and all of the participants are matched with a professional working in their field of interest.
High school Outreach
As part of our effort to reach out to the Boston community, HSBSE will be initiating an after-school mentorship and SAT-help program at a Cambridge-area high school. Our members will be paired with a group of students at the school, then meet with them weekly for tutoring and development activities.